I PASSED the CLA exam today!!!

CLA Certificate- The C Programming Language Certified Associate

The C++ Institute along with Pearson VUE have come together to provide free resources to learn about programming(I won’t go into details about these specific organizations so follow their respective links to find out more.) Along with the self-study courses the C++ Institute has to offer for the languages C, C++, and Python, Pearson VUE provides paid-testing to qualify for the C++ Institutes’s certificates at different levels of knowledge and skillsets.

They currently include:

I hope to receive my authentic paper certificate in the next 45 days in the mail. Included with the paper certificate, the C++ Institute partned with Acclaim to provide digital certificate badges that you can post to social media, or use to present your accomplishments. I don’t know when mine will be awarded to me but I look forward to showing it off. I hope it will help boost my abilities to get a job in this current carreer path. Perhaps this will spur some incentive for other people to do the same and add some cool certificates to their already existing repetoir.

To be continued….